Network for Certification and Conservation of Forests
Webinar on World Environment Day, 5th June 2020
Theme: Sustainable Consumerism and Management of Natural Resources
Network for Certification and Conservation of Forests (NCCF) organized a webinar on “Sustainable Consumerism and Management of Natural Resources”, from 1100 to 1300 hrs (IST) on the occasion of World Environment Day, 5th June 2020.
The webinar was inaugurated by Shri Sudhanshu Pandey, IAS, Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Food and Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. He highlighted the need for sustainable commerce and responsible consumerism to safeguard our socio-economic interests, keeping our actions aligned with sustainable development and management of natural resources.
Mr Pandey very aptly brought out the significance and need for standards in all aspects of usage and consumption of resources. He said that we should not be over enthusiastic to take full command of nature, but learnt to know to live with nature. This is required for well-being of nature and humanity. He added that COVID 19 pandemic has already taught humanity to live with bare minimum resources, and this is what responsible consumerism should imbibe. He appreciated NCCF’s role in promoting standards and wished that NCCF continues to be strong advocate of certification and conservation of natural resources.
The theme for this year’s World Environment Day – biodiversity – truly reflects the concern to the continued loss of biodiversity that is both urgent and existential. Reversing biodiversity loss is the only way to restore and sustain a healthy planet. It is Time for Nature, time to acknowledge nature’s vital services to humanity and the urgent need to halt its destruction. On this day, an occasion for environmental action by all, NCCF rededicates itself to the cause of biodiversity conservation and environmental protection by creating a people led movement for certification.
Shri Vijai Sharma, Chairman, NCCF remarked that nature, health and well-being of people, optimal utilisation of resources, and secure livelihoods are the essentials for one and all. This is the day for raising awareness about the need for a healthy environment, for supporting action and for driving changes.
Shri A.K. Srivastava, DG, NCCF in his welcome remarks mentioned about various certification standards developed by NCCF that promote sustainable management of natural resources, which possibly could help in effectively addressing the COVID 19 like situations in future. He argued in favour of nature based solutions and said that cultural role of forests in promoting peace and well being of people has become more pronounced in this pandemic situation.
Dr Jagdish Kishwan, Former DG, ICFRE and Chancellor FRI University moderated the event. According to him, consumer is the main actor who can bring about a change in the ways we live, use resources and treat our environment and natural resources. He said, “Consumer is King” as he has the potential of forcing the organisations, industries, businesses and service providers to supply Certified services and goods originating from sustainable sources.
Shri Suneel Pandey, Vice President , Paperboards and Specialty Papers Division, ITC Ltd and Secretary, NCCF; Prof Amit Garg, Public Policy Group, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad; Dr TP Singh, Deputy Regional Director, IUCN Asia; Mr Sanjay Upadhyay, Advocate, Supreme Court, Honorary Managing Trustee, ELDF; Prof Vinay Sharma, and Dr Kapil Joshi from the Department of Management Studies, IIT- Roorkee were the expert panelists who covered wide ranging aspects of sustainability, consumerism and natural resource management comprising the subjects of Forest Certification, Priority to Planet over Profit, Nature Based Solutions, Time for Sustainable Consumerism was now, and Value Chain Creation for Forest Bio-residue.
The webinar was attended by 214 delegates representing various Central Ministries, State Governments, international organisations, industry, industry associations, civil society organisations, forestry professionals, faculty and students from management, academic and research institutions, biodiversity and environment experts and many more.
NCCF, a not for profit organization of India, is actively engaged in diverse conservation activities including, development of globally benchmarked and India specific sustainability certification standards for various constituents of our natural resource base, as its core working area. NCCF is a member of PEFC Governing Council for India, member of IUCN and has got Observer Status of UNCCD.
The presentations made in the webinar may be seen at: