NCCF organized a Focused Group Discussion as part of ICFRE’s “Policy Research Study -Popularization of the Use of Wood And Wood Substitutes”.
The Network for Certification and Conservation of Forests, organised a Focused Group Discussion on 28th June 2022 as part of the Policy Research Study “Popularization of the Use of Wood And Wood Substitutes as per the National Forest Policy and Modalities for Facilitating Industries for its Optimum Utilization” awarded by the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) to NCCF.
For this Study, stakeholders have been mapped in six categories namely (i) Wood-based industries (ii) Architects and builders (iii) Research institutions and universities (iv) Government departments (v) Farmer’s federation/ FPOs, (vi) NGO and CBOs. 30 professionals representing the Wood Based Industries (sawmills, Panel industry, Paper industry, Furniture manufacturers), Industry Associations, Wood Technologists Architects, Research Organisations, Academia, Government Departments, Wood Importers, and Exporters of wood-products, Forestry Experts and Tree Growers joined the discussion.
Initiating the Focused Group Discussion, Mr A.K.Srivastava, Director General, NCCF welcomed the participants and gave an overview of the Policy Research Study and activities of NCCF.
Mr. A.K. Bansal, Chairperson, Promotions, Communication and Advocacy Group of NCCF, who is the Principal Investigator of this Policy Research Study, presented the current status of Wood & Wood Products demand and consumption trends, processing technologies, skilled workforce, product standards, quality assurance system etc and the methodology adopted for smooth conduct of this study. Dr. Indu Dwivedi ,Project Coordinator & Assistant Director ,NCCF, and Ms Chayanika Guin, Project Associate made presentations on the aspects like factors responsible for encouraging and hindering wood based Industries and challenges in exports opportunities for import substitution.
Detailed discussions were held after each presentation and Mr A.K.Bansal moderated the discussions. Focused Group discussion will be followed by individual consultations with experts to evolve appropriate recommendations for popularization of the use of wood and wood substitutes in India.