NCCF gets GSTC Membership
NCCF has taken the organizational membership of Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) with a view to advance its outreach and gain quality networking opportunities to promote sustainability in various sectors of the global travel and tourism industry.
NCCF has developed the Ecotourism Certification Standard through a multi-stakeholder Standard Development Group, chaired by Mr. A K Varma, IFS (retd) and co-chaired by Mr C B Ramkumar, Vice -Chair, GSTC. NCCF Standard, based on the 4 pillars of sustainability- Environment, Social, Cultural, and Management principles, is applicable for certification of ecotourism destinations that are responsibly managing their sites in accordance with the Standard. It adheres to the GSTC Destination Criteria v2.0 and NCCF intends to get the Ecotourism Standard endorsed by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) for its international recognition and global visibility. GSTC establishes and manages global standards for sustainable travel and tourism, known as the GSTC Criteria
NCCF’s Ecotourism Standard offers a great potential for sustainable management of ecotourism destinations. The Standard is ready for approval of the Governing Body and its early launch thereafter.