Quality Planting Material Certification Standard
60 Days Public Consultation
December 06, 2021, till February 03, 2022
Draft Quality Planting Material Certification Standard is open for Public Consultation
NCCF is developing Certification Standard for Quality Planting Material (QPM) through a multi-stakeholder Standard Development Group (SDG) , chaired by Mr. Abhijit Ghose, ex PCCF & HoFF, Rajasthan. The certification standard will promote distribution of quality planting material through certified nurseries which are practicing management practices of global standards and this will help promote cultivation of trees outside forests as well as on government lands. A certified QPM regime is essential for a healthy,vibrant and sustainable growth of the wood sector and will contribute towards greening of India and meeting its commitments of nationally determined contributions under the climate change agreements.
Zero Draft of Quality Planting Material Standard (V0.0), finalized in active consultation with the esteemed Members of the SDG, following an open, transparent and consultative process. It is now hosted on website for public consultation, which is a mandatory requirement of the Standard Setting Procedure. The stakeholders involved in the process include research institutes, experts, scientists, representatives of forest based industries, seed dealers, state forest departments and state horticulture departments etc. The Draft Standard comprises 5 themes, 13 principles, and 55 criteria, addressing diverse environmental, legal, economic, and social aspects of Quality Planting Material standard
Zero draft of the Quality Planting Material Standard is an effort to develop a framework of certification of nurseries where woody perennials, are raised based on certain standards, and that can be evaluated by a third party through assessment of plant growth at critical control points of saplings’ growth in nurseries following certain standard protocols while addressing the various risk factors.
NCCF invites all stakeholders and members of the public to offer their comments on the Zero Draft QPM Certification Standard during the 60 days public consultation period. All sections of the draft are open for comments, review, and suggestions for modifications, that could be mailed at Email: qpm.mail@nccf.in during the Consultation Period: December 06, 2021, till February 03, 2022
Public Consultation documents can be downloaded from here:
Document Library
Zero Draft Standard (NCCF -STD- QPM 0.0_2021) | Short note | Instruction Sheet for Comments | Comment Sheet |