Sensitization Webinar on “Safeboards Standards: Composite Wood Products Certification for Better Indoor Air Quality” organized by NCCF in Association with Haryana Plywood Manufacturers Association (HPMA)
10th MARCH 2021| Safeboards Standards: Composite Wood Products Certification for Better Indoor Air Quality
NCCF in association with HPMA conducted this sensitization webinar on 10th March 2021 as a part of its development stage for Safeboards Standards and to sensitize the key stakeholders about the need and importance of voluntary standards required for composite wood products; plywood, blockboards, particle boards, MDF, to improve indoor air quality and address health aspects, and also to promote exports of wooden furniture, handicraft items, wooden toys, and cutleries, etc.
A panel of experts including Mr. A.K Goyal, IFS (retd), SDG Chairperson of NCCF’s Standards and Certification Scheme: “Safeboards” | Dr. S.K. Nath -Technical Expert| Dr. Poornima Prabhakaran, Deputy Director –Public Health Foundation of India, Centre for Environmental Health | Mr. J K Bihani, President – Haryana Plywood Manufacturers Association| Mr. Harish Malpani–Propreitor, Shree Balaji Plywoods| Ms. Chitra Vishwanath, Principal Architect & MD –Biome Environmental Solutions | Ms. Neeti Verma –Technical Expert| offered their views and suggestions on various issues related to formaldehyde emissions, the benefits of certification of composite wood and potential of NCCF’s Safeboards Standards for various wood-based industries. Mr. A.K Srivastava, DG, NCCF presented the closing remarks at the webinar.
The panelists broadly discussed the usage of formaldehyde and the concerns related to its emissions from composite wood products and how its long-term exposure is damaging for human health and the environment, and how the certification of composite wood products can be useful in ensuring better indoor air quality. The requirements of green buildings for healthy indoor air quality were discussed and it was impressed that the hospitals and schools needed priority attention. NCCF’s Safeboards Standards can help in the potential future growth of many industries such as the toy sector, cutlery, and handicrafts industry.
Recently, after the ban on single-use plastic, industries are adopting more sustainable and eco-friendly behavior and this has given rise to the demand for wooden products over plastic products, because of their being eco-friendly, durable, and safe for human health. Adoption of Safeboards standards and certification scheme by these industries will enhance their potential growth and marketability and assure to meet the regulatory requirements of importing countries, thus facilitating exports.
NCCF has hosted zero draft Safeboards Standards on its website for Public Consultation, for a period of 60 days: February 5, 2021, till April 6, 2021, for information dissemination and to invite comments and suggestions of stakeholders, to further refine and strengthen the draft standards, by amending the requirements/clauses, if so needed. Experts and stakeholders can drop their comments or suggestions in the given comment sheet on the website and submit that on the mail id:
The participants appreciated the quality of presentations and the professional inputs they received on certification of composite wood products and expressed keen interest in attending more such NCCF events in the future.
The presentations made in the webinar may be seen click here