NCCF Participates in FTA International Conference; 22-24June2021

NCCF Participates in FTA International Conference; 22-24June2021

NCCF participated online in CGIAR’s Forest, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) International Scientific Conference, held from 22 -24 June 2021. CGIAR’s FTA Research Program is the world’s largest research for development program focusing on the role of forests, trees, and agroforestry in sustainable development, food security, and climate action. It is led by CIFOR, World Agroforestry ICRAF, CATIE, CIRAD, INBAR, Biodiversity International, and Tropenbos International and also links with dozens of other scientific and development institutions.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Forests, trees,  and agroforestry for diverse sustainable landscapes”, co-organized by the CGIAR Research Program on FTA and the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of  Sciences, and the Chinese Academy of Forestry. The event is a part of the road towards the 15th Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD 15), to be organized during 11-24 October 2021.

NCCF contributed the following four papers, which were accepted for oral and poster presentations:

Oral presentations:

Poster Presentations:

“Sustainable Agroforestry- A Boon for India” by A.K. Bansal, Chairperson, PCA Group and Ria Antil:

Click here to view the poster

“Need for a strong policy regime to drive Forest/ Trees outside Forest certification in India” by A.K Srivastava, DG, NCCF, and Ria Antil:

Click here to view the Poster

Presentations and deliberations in the FTA Conference had been organized in six broad themes:

  1. Trees for agroecology and circular agriculture
  2. Tree diversity: realizing economic and ecological value from tree genetic resources to bridge production gaps and promote resilience
  3. Trees in the framework of the CBD
  4. Mountain ecosystems and food security
  5. Assessing benefits of landscape restoration
  6. Trees for a circular green economy

NCCF’s participation in the FTA Scientific Conference has brought new knowledge and international experience on the management of forests and trees in the NCCF system. NCCF has also showcased its certification schemes for Forest Management, Trees outside Forests, and Quality Planting materials and its policy advocacy work on agroforestry and wood-based industries to the international scientific community.

NCCF will explore options for working together with CIFOR, World Agroforestry, ICRAF, and other FTA partners in matters concerning multistakeholder engagement, developing standards, and accelerating certification for strengthened SFM and agroforestry.