IUCN President Mr Zhang Xinsheng holding a meeting with IUCN Members and prospective members at IUCN India Office, New Delhi on 13.11.2019
The Network for Certification and Conservation of Forests (NCCF), a leading not-for-profit organization of India, dealing with sustainability standards for Natural Resource Management and diverse conservation programs, has been admitted to IUCN as a Member.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is an international organization working in the field of nature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. IUCN harnesses the knowledge, resources, and reach of approximately 1300 Member organizations. These include state and government agencies, NGOs large and small, Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, scientific and academic institutions, and business associations. IUCN members constitute a network of organizations whose mission is to act as a source of advice on the environmental, economic, social, and cultural factors that affect natural resources and biological diversity.
NCCF has developed globally benchmarked and India-specific certification standards for various constituents of our natural resource base, viz forests, trees outside forests, non-wood forest produce, protected areas and wetlands, quality planting material, ecotourism, biomass & biofuels, etc. NCCF’s FM certification standard is endorsed by PEFC giving it international recognition and this scheme is being implemented by many states. NCCF’s ToF standard is shortly being launched. NCCF is also engaged in policy advocacy on natural resource management and other emerging issues, capacity building, training, and multi-stakeholder engagement.
The objectives, mandate, and activities of NCCF fully complement the work areas of IUCN, and NCCF’s association with IUCN will bring better synergy in each other’s work in India and the neighboring countries.