NCCF joins hands with the United Nations in celebrating the
World Water Day on 22nd March 2021

The United Nations General Assembly adopted 22nd March as World Water Day in the year 1992. The day cautions about the impending water crisis that the world faces, highlights the importance of freshwater, and raises awareness for sustainable management of freshwater resources. The theme of World Water Day 2021 is “Valuing Water” and celebrated keeping in line with Sustainable Development Goal number 6 which aims at achieving water and sanitation by all for 2030.
Forests capture and store water and play an important role in providing drinking water for millions of people in the world. They reduce the effects of floods, prevent soil erosion, regulate water tables and assure a high-quality water supply for the people, industry, and agriculture. Forest catchments and watersheds are to be managed essentially for hydrology, soil and moisture conservation, climate resilience, land restoration, Biodiversity Conservation, and providing livelihoods to the teeming millions. Timber and other forest produce are by-products of forest management.
Forest Certification is increasingly recognized as an important tool and enabler of sustainability in forest management and meeting our international commitments under the SDGs, UNFCCC, UNCBD, and UNCCD. It ensures creditability to our forest governance and greening landscapes with international recognition and acknowledges the country’s dedication to responsible forest management and its efforts to maintain a sustainable supply of forest products and services from healthy, diverse, and productive ecosystems.
NCCF has developed the first-ever Indian scheme of forest certification that is endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), giving it global recognition. This scheme is being used by many states for the certification of forests. NCCF’s Trees outside Forest Certification Scheme is the first of its kind in the world and ready for use. NCCF is managing PEFC Chain of Custody certification in India and also developing a certification scheme for the Protected Areas and Wetlands. These schemes have a great potential to contribute to the sustainable management of forests, landscapes, and water resources.
It is a matter of great celebration that Hon’ble Prime Minister of India has launched the ‘Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain’ campaign on this important day, and an MoU is signed between the Jal Shakti Ministry and the Governments of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh for starting the Ken-Betwa Link project, the first river-linking project in India, aiming at carrying water from surplus areas to those that are water-scarce by interlinking the two rivers.
On this World Water Day, 22nd March 2021, let us pledge to sustainably manage our forests and landscapes and conserve water every day, and use it wisely, not waste it away. Let every day be World Water Day.