Carbon Registry

NCCF is developing a Voluntary Carbon Registry in India to provide a listing, trading and tracking platform for relevant stakeholders in India.Need for a Carbon Registry in India:

  • Database creation of the country’s quantified greenhouse gas emission reduction and removal enhancement
  • Creating a market based on supply and demand of carbon credits, and facilitating carbon to be traded as a commodity
  • Follow up with India’s NDC targets under 2015 Paris Agreement of UNFCCC

Benefits of Registry:

  • Promotes emission reduction and removal enhancements to contribute to global efforts of overall climate change mitigation
  • Allows projects, processes and methodologies relevant to emission reduction or removal to be listed, traded and monitored
  • Reduces cost of emission abatement by allowing and encouraging competitive trading of carbon credits amongst the industries
  • Other co-benefits of a Carbon Registry can broadly be categorized as under:
    1. Environmental benefits: reduced pollution, cleaner air, improved water table, noise reduction and conservation of biodiversity including wildlife
    2. Social benefits: improved health, poverty alleviation, social welfare, increased skill development and employment opportunities
    3. Economic benefits: sustainable economic growth


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