NCCF participates in 6th National Standards Conclave on 15-16 January 2020
Shri AK Srivastava, Director General, NCCF participated in the 6th National Standards Conclave held in Delhi on 15-16 January 2020, organized by the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India in collaboration with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Export Inspection Council of India (EIC), the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the National Accreditation Board for Certification bodies (NABCB), and the Centre for WTO Studies (CWTOs) organized the 6th National Standards Conclave with the theme “Standards for Trade Facilitation”.
The National Standards Conclave is organized every year to generate awareness amongst industry members and other stakeholders about the importance of “Standards” in the changing scenario of Global Trade. The Conclave was inaugurated by Shri Piyush Goyal, Hon’ble Minister of Commerce and Industry and Minister of Railways, in presence of Shri Sudhanshu Pandey, Additional Secretary, Department of Commerce and Shri Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, Confederation of Indian Industry among other dignitaries.
The Hon’ble Commerce Minister called for minimization/elimination of import of timber products and furniture items from other countries particularly from China and announced zero tolerance for substandard products and services from industry and consumers. Shri Sudhanshu Pandey, Additional Secretary, Department of Commerce informed that Shri AK Srivastava, DG, NCCF was attending the Conclave and he will make a detailed presentation explaining various measures for minimizing such imports of timber.
Shri Srivastava participated as a panellist in the session “Voluntary Standards & Global Accountability Mechanisms” and made presentation on the theme “Forest Management Certification Standard: a tool for Sustainability and Trade Facilitation”. He highlighted the need of certification standards for management of various constituents of natural resources and focussed use of certification for restricting import of timber and furniture from China. The panel was chaired by Shri Anil Jauhri, ex-CEO, NABCB and had other speakers from Seconded European Standardization Expert for India (SESEI), UL India Pvt Ltd., Quality Council of India, GlobalG.A.P. and BRCGS